
segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Patch 4.3 - preview das novas dungeon parte 2: Poço da Eternidade

Continuação do post Parte 1: Fim dos Tempos.

Poço da Eternidade (Well of Eternity)

Dez mil anos no passado a capital do Zin-Azshari era uma metrópole magnifica. Situada nas margens do Well of Eternity Zin-Azshari foi onde o aristocrático Highborne abriu o portal para o Twisting Nether e convidou a Burning Legion invadir Azeroth. Sob o comando da rainha Azshara, o Highborne prepara o portal para a entrada gloriosa do Titã Sargeras.

Com a porta para o passado agora aberta, Nozdormu irá transportar os jogadores para o palácio de Azshara, onde você vai testemunhar os um dos eventos mais catastróficos na Guerra dos Anciães, datado de 10.000 anos atrás. Ao mesmo tempo apoiar o Tyrande muito mais jovem e Illidan em uma batalha contra a Legião Highborne. Os jogadores terão de roubar o Dragon Soul pairando acima do Poço. Você terá que vencer vários bruxos para conseguir o Dragon Soul inclusive a rainha Azshara.

Trechos do Dungeon Journal

Peroth’arn: Como muitos de seus colegas Highborne, Peroth’arn jurou fidelidade à Xavius se corrompendo em troca de poderem demoníacos. Como mestre da magia diabólica Peroth’arn está fora do palácio de Azshara defendendo-o pronto para destruir todos aqueles que se opõem a entrada do Titã Sargeras em Azeroth.
Azshara: As músicas da beleza da Rainha Azshara são numerosas de mais para contar, mas foi sua vaidade que dirigiu o highborne para chamar a Burning Legion.
Mannoroth e Varo’then: Varo’then, chefe da guarda pessoal da Rainha Azshara e Mannoroth, senhor que ira corromper todo o sangue da raça orc permanecem como a última linha de defesa contra aqueles que desejam impedir a entrada de Sargeras em Azeroth. Embora Tyrande e Illidan lutarem bravamente até o momento, o destino de Azeroth será decidido na beira do Well of Eternity.

A tarefa em questão exige sucesso total. Para que Thrall e os Dragon Aspects reúnam os heróis da horda e da Alliance para defender deathwing você deve roubar a Dragon Soul do passado. No entanto os trágicos acontecimento que tiveram lugar no Well of Eternity devem finalmente vir a acontecer levando à Great Sundering, a criação do Maelstrom e a perda de inúmeras vidas.

Continua no post Parte 3: Hora do Crepúsculo

Enviado por Zarhym (Blue Posts / Original)

Patch 4.3 Dungeons Preview, Part Two: Well of Eternity

Well of Eternity

Ten thousand years in the past, the night elven capital city of Zin-Azshari was a magnificent, sparkling metropolis. Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity, Zin-Azshari was where the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth. Under the command of the night elven queen, Azshara, the Highborne now pour their energies into the portal, preparing it for the terrifying and glorious entrance of the titan Sargeras.

With a gateway to the past now open, Nozdormu will transport players to Azshara's palace, where you'll witness one of the most catastrophic events in the War of the Ancients, dating back 10,000 years. While assisting the much younger Tyrande and Illidan in a battle against the Highborne and Burning Legion, players will need to steal the Dragon Soul hovering above the Well. With so many of Azshara's most empowered wizards locked in ritual and pouring their magical energies into the turbulent depths of the Well, retrieving the Dragon Soul will require victory over some lethal foes.

Excerpts from the Dungeon Journal

Peroth'arn: Like many of his fellow Highborne, Peroth'arn swore allegiance to the corrupted Xavius in exchange for gifts of demonic power. As a master of fiendish magic and recipient of the satyr curse, Peroth'arn stands outside Azshara's palace in defense of the Burning Legion, ready to destroy those hoping to disrupt the entrance of the Dark Titan, Sargeras, into Azeroth.

Azshara: The songs of Queen Azshara's beauty, majesty, and power are too numerous to count, but it was her vanity that drove the Highborne to summon the Burning Legion. She now watches her most trusted magi empower the portal where Sargeras will be brought into Azeroth, content to let multitudes of her servants die in advance of the Dark Titan's arrival.

Mannoroth and Varo'then: Varo'then, head of Queen Azshara's personal guard, and Mannoroth, the pit lord whose blood will corrupt the entire orc race, stand as the last line of defense against those hoping to bar Sargeras's entry into Azeroth. Though both Tyrande and Illidan have fought bravely thus far, the fate of Azeroth will be decided at the Well of Eternity's very brink.

The task at hand requires nothing short of total success. In order for Thrall and the Dragon Aspects to rally heroes of the Horde and Alliance to defeat Deathwing, you must steal the Dragon Soul from the distant past. However, the tragic events which took place at the Well of Eternity must ultimately come to pass, leading to the Great Sundering, the creation of the Maelstrom, and the loss of countless lives.

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