
terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Esclarecimentos sobre a replace do Guild Master

A Blizzard respondeu algumas perguntas sobre essa troca de Guild Master inativo.
Falou que o personagem deve estar ativo, se o dono de uma guild joga somente com alts e não loga o seu main (Guild Master) ele vai perder a guild por inatividade.
Também existia a dúvida sobre nomear alguém como substituto previamente. A Blizzard explica que bastaria colocar somente uma pessoa no rank mais alto da guild abaixo do GM que essa pessoa automaticamente será o novo Guild Master. Agora é só criar o ranking de sub GM :)

Enviado por Kaivax (Blue Posts / Original)
Is this if the account has not been active or just the character that is the guild leader?
It's per character, not per account. While we understand that guild leaders may enjoy leveling alts, we still feel that it's reasonable to ask them to log into their characters at least once per month.

Is there an option to nominate someone preemptively?
This can be achieved by placing that character at the highest rank below guild leader. If you've already done so, but that rank is shared (meaning, it's occupied with characters you don't feel should be guild leader), then you may wish to create a separate, higher rank for the character you'd like to be your successor. This way, he or she will be given the opportunity to adopt guild leadership in your absence first -- provided, of course, that their character has logged in within a week of you being marked as inactive.

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