Alguns blue post para quem gosta de ficar atualizado.
Efeitos visuais de magias e Divine Aegis
Something we’ve been hearing for a couple of years from players is that our spell effects, which are typically designed to look awesome when used all by themselves, create an undecipherable visual cacophony when used in large group settings, such as raids or Battlegrounds. In Cataclysm, we made a major effort to reduce the visual impact on targets that were being bombarded with multiple spells at once. For example, some visuals that looked cool (but weren’t really conveying any useful information that the group needed to know) scaled up way too large on bosses. Moonfire and Incinerate are two examples of spells that had this problem, and were changed for Cataclysm. We also offered a nifty UI option called “Emphasize my spell visuals” which still makes your spells look awesome to you, but slightly diminishes the visuals being produced by the rest of your group. After all, isn’t it most important that *you* look amazing?
That option, by the way, can be found in-game by going to Esc|Interface|Display.
With the visual spam on enemy targets relaxed a bit, we then turned to the visual spam on friendly targets. Some spells, and heals were particularly guilty of this, had a lot of visual flourishes that looked awesome, but were simply overwhelming when layered on top of all of the other visual commotion going on in an encounter. Two spells we changed at the last minute were Divine Light and Divine Aegis. To use the particular example of Divine Aegis, the visual wasn’t too bad when it was only created by infrequent crits, but once we allowed Prayer of Healing to always cause Divine Aegis, the flashes on the screen became distracting and obscured the view of what was actually happening in the fight. If you want to see this for yourself, check out some pre-4.2 raid videos.
We changed Divine Aegis very late in the 4.2 patch cycle, so we used the temporary solution of using the Power Word: Shield impact, which is much less prominent. A more permanent solution will be to get a new visual for Divine Aegis that is unique but doesn't go too far, or perhaps distinguish between the shields caused by crits and the heals caused by Prayer of Healing. We recognize that there is some visual information conveyed by Divine Aegis (for example, you may want to dispel Power Word: Shield but not Divine Aegis) and we totally agree that the new (temporary) visual is not as cool as the older one. We’re looking into some other solutions as well as we strive to find a balance between making your spells look flashy while still having a battle that is possible to comprehend by, you know, actually looking at it. (Forum Original)
Two-Hand Weapons muito pequenas?
We discussed this with the developers yesterday. It seems some of the two-handed weapons are getting smaller, while the one-handed weapons are getting bigger. We like the basic idea of players being able to tell what kind of weapon a character is holding just by looking at them. There should be no visual confusion between a one-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon.
It's not likely there will be any major art updates coming before the next patch, but this is definitely something for us to keep in mind going forward. (Forum Original)
Guildas quase terminando Firelands em duas semanas
I am endlessly intrigued to find players judging the difficulty of the encounters and how long lived the content is by how pro players, some of the most skilled and focused players in the world, engage the content. It's a little like judging the difficulty of juggling eight chainsaws by what the best jugglers in the world can accomplish. Sure, it might be easy for them, but when was the last time you tried it? (Do not attempt to juggle eight chainsaws. Do not attempt to juggle any chainsaws. Unless you are a juggler. A professional chainsaw juggler. A really, really good professional chainsaw juggler who does not fear chainsaw manglings.)
The content wasn't designed to be 'quick'. It was designed to be epic, engaging, challenging and fun. It can accomplish those goals without being punishing.
It is kind of remarkable how fun and engaging the content can be when we start judging content by what we accomplish and experience ourselves, rather than the posts we read on the forums or the headlines of a fansite. (Forum Original)
- Guias de Raid
- Galerias Mogu'shan (Mogu'shan Vaults)
- Alma Dragônica (Dragon Soul)
- Morchok
- Morchok HEROIC
- Senhor da Guerra Zon'ozz (Warlord)
- Senhor da Guerra Zon'ozz HEROIC (Warlord)
- Hagara HEROIC
- Ultraxion
- Ultraxion HEROIC
- Chifre Negro (Warmaster Blackhorn) HEROIC
- Yor'sahj, o Vígil (the Unsleeping)
- Yor'sahj, o Vígil (the Unsleeping) HEROIC
- Espinhaço do Asa da Morte (Spine of Deathwing)
- Espinhaço do Asa da Morte HEROIC(Spine of Deathwing)
- Loucura do Asa da Morte HEROIC(Madness of Deathwing)
- Baradin Hold
- Bastion of Twilight
- Blackwing Decent
- Firelands
- Profissões
- Conquistas (Achievements)
- Geral
- Reputação
- Eventos Mundiais
- A Semana das Crianças
- Festival da Lua
- Jardinova
- Achei um! (I Found One!)
- Amor por chocolate (Chocolate Lover)
- Balança esse pompom (Shake Your Bunny-Maker)
- Casinho de Primavera (Spring Fling)
- Chocólatra (Chocoholic)
- Coelhinho, se eu fosse como tu... (Hard Boiled)
- Jardim nobre de Jardinova (Noble Garden)
- Olha que vestido lindo! (Dressed for the Occasion)
- Rosa do deserto (Desert Rose)
- Splish splash (Blushing Bride)
- Traje de domingo (Sunday's Finest)
- O Amor Está no Ar
- Resumo do evento
- A nuvem rosa do amor (The Rocket's Pink Glare)
- Amor à pátria (Nation of Adoration)
- Amor para dar e vender (Fistful of Love)
- Arqueiro do amor (Shafted!)
- Encantador (Charming)
- Entre tapas e beijos (Flirt With Disaster)
- Ligeirinho eterno (Perma-Peddle)
- Meu docinho de coco (Sweet Tooth)
- Paixonite epidêmica (Dangerous Love)
- Se sentindo só? (Lonely?)
- Tive pena do bobo (I Pitied The Fool)
- Triângulo Amoroso (Tough Love)
- Vestido de sorte (Lovely Luck Is On Your Side)
- Você é o doce que eu quero! (Be Mine!)
- Vou lhe enviar mentiras e rosas (My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose)
- Solistício (Midsummer)
- Resumo do evento
- Congelando o senhor do gelo (Ice the Frost Lord)
- Extinguindo o Cataclismo (Extinguishing the Cataclysm)
- Extinguindo Kalimdor (Extinguishing Kalimdor)
- Extinguindo Nortúndria (Extinguishing Northrend)
- Extinguindo os Reinos do Leste (Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms)
- Extinguindo Terralém (Extinguishing Outland)
- Guardião das Chamas do Cataclismo (Flame Warden of Cataclysm)
- Guardião das Chamas de Kalimdor (Flame Warden of Kalimdor)
- Guardião das Chamas de Nortúndria (Flame Warden of Northrend)
- Guardião das Chamas dos Reinos do Leste (Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms)
- Guardião das Chamas de Terralém (Flame Warden of Outland)
- Mais quente que lambada (Burning Hot Pole Dance)
- Malabarista de tochas (Torch Juggler)
- Rei do Festival do Fogo (King of the Fire Festival)
- Proezas Memoráveis
- História
- A História do Warcraft
- Capitulo I: Mitos
- Os Titãs e a Formação do Universo
- Sargeras e a Traição
- Os Deuses Antigos e o Ordenamento de Azeroth
- O dever dos DragonFlights
- O Despertar do Mundo e a Nascente da Eternidade
- A Guerra dos Antigos
- A Cisão do Mundo
- O Monte Hyjal e a Dádiva de Illidan
- A Árvore do Mundo e o Sonho Esmeralda
- O Exílio dos Elfos Superiores
- As Sentinelas e a Longa Vigília
- Capitulo II: O Novo Mundo
- Capítulo III: A Perdição de Draenor
- Capítulo IV: Aliança e Horda
- Capítulo V: O Retorno da Legião Ardente
- Capitulo I: Mitos
- Histórias Curtas
- A História do Warcraft
- Classes
- Notícias
- Raças
- Mists of Pandaria
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também estou achando as two-hand muito sem graça perto das outras armas