
segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

Roubo na fila da instância está de volta com Real ID

Jogadores denunciam no fórum da Blizzard que o roubo de fila com tanks está novamente sendo possível usando Real ID.

Você DPS entra em grupo com um tank de outro servidor e entra na fila da instância. Como você tem um tank no grupo você entra imediatamente e o tank sai uma vez que você está lá dentro.

Se todos fossem do mesmo servidor você irá sair também junto com o tank, mas essa trava de segurança não está funcionando com Real ID.

People skipping queues by grouping with a tank through RealID
Not sure if this is the place to post or not, but you can use the old skipping queue method as a dps by queuing with a tank and the tank leaving instantly. It doesn't remove the dps person like it does on normal queuing. Something to look in to!

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. It’s not a bug, though, and Real ID Party doesn’t change the way this system is intended to function.

We certainly don’t want players skipping queues and getting an unfair advantage over players that are waiting patiently. Ultimately, the Dungeon Finder rule system is much more “intelligent” than you might think: players who abuse the system may find that they are removed when their tank compatriot leaves, regardless of how long they were already in the dungeon. (Forum Original)

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