
quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

WoW Trading Card Game: Twilight of the Dragons já nas lojas

Deathwing o Destruidor, chegou no World of Warcraft Trading Card Game e ele trouxe com ele os Twilight e Black dragonflights.

Abrace o chaos na aliança com Nefarian, Cho’gall e Sinestra ou defenda Azeroth contra o ataque se juntando a Thrall, Caelestrasz, Merithra, Arygos, Anachronos e os elemental ascendants. Neste grande momento de grande perigo, você vai se unir às forças de Deathwing ou defender o mundo contra ele?

Escolha o seu lado e se prepare para a guerra.

Enviado por Blizzard (Blue Posts / Original)

WoW TCG: Twilight of the Dragons Now In Stores

Deathwing the Destroyer has arrived in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game and he’s brought both the Twilight and Black dragonflights with him. Tainted by corrupt magic before they were hatched, the Twilight dragons threaten to bring an age of darkness to the land. Unleash their fiery fury as you crack open packs of Twilight of the Dragons, in stores now.

Embrace the chaos and ally with Nefarian, Cho’gall, and Sinestra, or defend Azeroth against their assault by joining Thrall, Caelestrasz, Merithra, Arygos, Anachronos, and the elemental ascendants. In this time of great peril, will you join Deathwing’s forces or defend against it? Choose your side and prepare for war!

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