Blizzard diz que não quer criar nenhuma expectativa em especial sobre o tier 13 de Death Knight.
Ela informa que ele vai ser mostrado como qualquer outro, no blog oficial da Blizzard sem nada a mais que os outros.
Eles informam que não foi possível colocar ele até agora no blog, mas que isso não quer dizer que ele tenha alguma coisa em especial.
O Tier 13 foi feito a semanas atrás, mas não estava no nível de qualidade dos outros tiers e por isso ainda não foi colocado no jogo.
Em resumo, eles apenas estão melhorando um Tier que ficou pronto junto com os outros, porem com um qualidade inferior.
Enviado por Blizzard (Blue Posts / Original)
No, as far as I know we don't plan to make it a reveal at BlizzCon, though there's a chance the timing of its release could, by coincidence, be around that time. It's still planned to be revealed in the same manner the rest have been -- via a blog on our front page with the visual retrospective of previous tiers and developer description. We'd love to post it by next week if we can, but I can't promise that with all the BlizzCon preparations taking place. [...]
I'll give you a bit of the lowdown on why the death knight set hasn't come out yet, even in the 4.3 PTR files third-party sites are looking through. As with all sets, a concept art piece was done for death knight tier 13. When that was translated to the actual in-game look, we felt it wasn't up to par with the concept, and ultimately wasn't nearly at the quality level of the other tier 13 sets. But, that death knight set was completed weeks ago.
So, there are times where multiple iterations of how a set will look in the game are made, based on the original concept piece. In this case though, we felt there to be such a gap in quality that we went back to the drawing board and came up with an entirely new piece of concept art, scrapping the original concept and in-game art done for death knights.
Well, I can say the new concept art is done and the set is close to being ready for image captures. I've not seen either, but I've heard very good things
- Guias de Raid
- Galerias Mogu'shan (Mogu'shan Vaults)
- Alma Dragônica (Dragon Soul)
- Morchok
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- Yor'sahj, o Vígil (the Unsleeping) HEROIC
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- Espinhaço do Asa da Morte HEROIC(Spine of Deathwing)
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- Vou lhe enviar mentiras e rosas (My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose)
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- Resumo do evento
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- Guardião das Chamas de Kalimdor (Flame Warden of Kalimdor)
- Guardião das Chamas de Nortúndria (Flame Warden of Northrend)
- Guardião das Chamas dos Reinos do Leste (Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms)
- Guardião das Chamas de Terralém (Flame Warden of Outland)
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- Capítulo III: A Perdição de Draenor
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sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011
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