A Blizzard está pensando sobre como funciona os heirlooms, isso porque são itens que podem ser usados por todos os chars da sua conta Battle.net, mas para isso você tem que ficar enviando o item por e-mail de um char para o outro. Se você usa um item específico em mais de um char você tem que ficar enviando o mesmo o tempo todo de um char para o outro.
Eles acham que isso é incômodo e existem pensamentos para mudar isso, porém não podem antecipar nada dessa alteração ainda.
Dessa forma sabemos pelo menos que existe uma chance de facilitar nossa vida, afinal, quem nunca logou em um char que estava upando e percebeu que o item não estava com esse char, tendo que logar o outro e mandar de volta o item?
Enviado por Zarhym (Blue Posts / Original)
[...] I stopped by Ghostcrawler's office to discuss this and other topics with him. We talked about some of the feedback in this thread, as well as the developers' latest thoughts on BoA and heirloom items.
Rather than potentially having my statements in this thread come back to bite me at some point in the future, I'm going to risk being confusing or sounding dumb.
In short, they agree that the process of mailing heirlooms around constantly is a little annoying. We'd prefer to try and work ourselves away from the method of mailing out BoA items in the future, like pets, mounts, etc. To that end, we have some design goals in mind that would improve this sort of item distribution system. And with those design goals have come some ideas for changing heirloom mechanics. This is sort of contrary to the idea I stated in this thread about just designing the system to allow players to mail their heirlooms all around their accounts without realm restrictions.
That's all of the information I can share at the moment, but I feel like it's worth pointing out that the design philosophy I stated earlier isn't so set in stone -- we're reevaluating these types of systems as we look toward the future. I apologize if I've caused any confusion.
- Guias de Raid
- Galerias Mogu'shan (Mogu'shan Vaults)
- Alma Dragônica (Dragon Soul)
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- Senhor da Guerra Zon'ozz HEROIC (Warlord)
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- Ultraxion HEROIC
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- Yor'sahj, o Vígil (the Unsleeping)
- Yor'sahj, o Vígil (the Unsleeping) HEROIC
- Espinhaço do Asa da Morte (Spine of Deathwing)
- Espinhaço do Asa da Morte HEROIC(Spine of Deathwing)
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- O Amor Está no Ar
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- Vou lhe enviar mentiras e rosas (My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose)
- Solistício (Midsummer)
- Resumo do evento
- Congelando o senhor do gelo (Ice the Frost Lord)
- Extinguindo o Cataclismo (Extinguishing the Cataclysm)
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- Extinguindo Nortúndria (Extinguishing Northrend)
- Extinguindo os Reinos do Leste (Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms)
- Extinguindo Terralém (Extinguishing Outland)
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- Guardião das Chamas de Kalimdor (Flame Warden of Kalimdor)
- Guardião das Chamas de Nortúndria (Flame Warden of Northrend)
- Guardião das Chamas dos Reinos do Leste (Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms)
- Guardião das Chamas de Terralém (Flame Warden of Outland)
- Mais quente que lambada (Burning Hot Pole Dance)
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- Capítulo III: A Perdição de Draenor
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