
quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Patch 4.3 - Alteração dos custos do Void Storage

A Blizzard anunciou novos custos para o Void Storage, seguem abaixo:
  • Liberar: 100g
  • Depósito: 25g
  • Sacar: de graça
Antes era de 1000g para liberar e 1000g para depositar e sacar os itens, mas eles ficaram com medo de que o Void Storage deixasse de ser usado se começasse a ficar muito caro para colocar e tirar os itens do mesmo, afinal, imagina se você depositasse os itens e depois não tivesse dinheiro para pegar de volta?
Isso partiu de várias sugestões de pessoas, e como sempre eles lembram que tudo isso está apenas no PTR e é passível de mudança ainda.

Enviado por Lylirra (Blue Posts / Original)

I just recently got back from a meeting with Ghostcrawler and have an update to share regarding the prices for Void Storage. Instead of charging 1000g to unlock a Void Storage vault and 100g to deposit and withdraw items, we're looking at only requiring the following amounts for each transaction:

Unlock - 100g
Deposit - 25g
Withdrawal - Free

We agree with the suggestions we've seen that placing a higher fee on withdrawals would create a stronger deterrent for using Void Storage as a secondary bank. That said, we don't want players to find themselves in a situation where they are unable to retrieve an item simply because they don't have the gold. This is why we're leaning towards a more expensive deposit (to differentiate Void Storage from a normal bank) and allowing all withdrawals to be free. Please keep in mind that these prices may not hit the PTR and are, of course, subject to change before the release of 4.3.

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